OptiTrack Device

OptiTrack Device

Control Device - OptiTrack device to receive data from Motive into a Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More

When you create a new OptiTrack Device, configure the parameters according to your setup.
  • the Client is the local IP on your computer where you want to receive the data
  • the Server is the IP address of the OptiTrack Motive computer ( the server where the OptiTrack Motive app is running
  • the Command port and Data port are the default port of the Motive App (you can verify that it is set up the same in the OptiTrack Motive app).
If you don't need the Labeled markers, you should disable them in OptiTrack or in Smode to avoid filling your tracking system and overloading Smode.

See Also: