function searchMenuFilter() { var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; input = $(".search-input"); filter = input.val().toLowerCase(); ul = $("#doc-menu"); searchMore = $("#search-more"); li = $('#doc-menu .docLink'); if (filter != "") { $(".GroupDocumentation").css("height", "auto"); searchMore.css("display", "block"); searchMore.text("Search for \""+input.val()+"\" in all the documentation"); searchMore.attr('href', ""+ input.val() + '') } else { $(".GroupDocumentation").css("height", ""); searchMore.css("display", "none"); } //PARSING $.each(li, function (i, val) { a = li[i]; txtValue = a.textContent || a.innerText; if (txtValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { //$(li[i]).css("display","block"); $(val).css("display", "block"); //$(val).css("margin-left","0px"); $(val).parent().css("display", "block"); } else { //$(li[i]).css("display","none"); $(val).css("display", "none"); $(val).css("margin-left", ""); } });//end Parsing } function buildBreadcrumb(currentElement) { var hierarchy = []; hierarchy.push("" + currentElement.attr('title') + ""); currentElement.parentsUntil("#doc-nav", "nav").each(function () { let domElement = $(this).find($(this).children()[1]); // we want the 2nd link in the nav let link = "" + domElement.attr('title') + ""; if (link !== hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1]) hierarchy.push(link); }); hierarchy.pop(); // first level is irrelevant var breadcrumb = hierarchy.pop(); while (hierarchy.length != 0) { let parent = hierarchy.pop(); breadcrumb = breadcrumb + " > " + parent; } return (breadcrumb); } $(document).ready(function () { var PageTitle = $("title").text(); var bodyClass = $("body").attr("class"); // keep the side menu opened on the right section + highlight it let relativePath = document.URL.replace(document.baseURI, ""); let currentInMenu = $("a[href='" + relativePath + "']"); currentInMenu.addClass('opened currentInMenu'); currentInMenu.parentsUntil("#doc-nav").addClass('opened'); // build and display the breadcrumb $("ol.pathDoc").append(buildBreadcrumb(currentInMenu)); $(".doc-wrapper .doc-sidebar").css("height", $(".doc-wrapper .container").height()); $(".doc-wrapper .doc-sidebar").css("max-height", $(".doc-wrapper .container").height()); if(($(window).width())<=800){ var screenHeight = $(window).height(); $(".doc-sidebar").css("max-height",screenHeight+"px"); $(".doc-sidebar").css("overflow","scroll"); } }); /*Open and close the menu for laptop resolution */ $('a.GroupDocumentation').click(function () { $(this).parent().toggleClass('opened'); }); /*Open and close the menu for laptop resolution */ $('#DisplayResponsiveMenu').click(function () { $('.navigation').toggleClass('openedMenu'); });